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Nothing's Urgent - Combination Skin Face Soap
Nothing's Urgent-Combination Skin Face Soap

NET WT:  2.0 oz (2.5" x 1.8" x 1.0")

Price: $8.00

Quantity in Stock:47

Description Featured Ingredient Product Use

Nothing’s Urgent Face Wash for Combination Skin

Those with combination skin types can understand the struggle of finding appropriate products for the oily and dry patches on their face. After all, it seems the majority of products are created for either oily or dry skin, not both! At Snowy Owl Cove, however, we’ve created a line of skin care especially for those with combination skin, including our Nothing’s Urgent facial cleanser for combo skin types!

This cleanser for combo skin takes into account those individuals who have oily spots, like the T-zone, as well as a few dry areas. In cases with combination skin, it’s important to trust products that will absorb excess oils and yet hydrate and moisturize dry patches. With a bold blend of essential oils, our handcrafted bar soap has a tried-and-true reputation for addressing these specific skin needs. You don’t need to spend an exorbitant amount to have a luxurious skin care routine formulated especially for you.

Not sure what your skin type is? Take our Skin Quiz to find out!

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Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review »

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Squeaky Clean August 1, 2017
Reviewer: Cassandra  
This is hands down the best face soap I have ever found. There are days where I can wear A LOT of makeup and finding a face soap that gets it all off, but is still gentle has been a challenge. After using this soap though, I can see and feel how clean my skin is. That is, without the usual burning, stinging, or dryness that typically accompanies a face soap that actually cleans my face. 10/10!

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